
Three Muhammad Ali Quotes for the Nonprofit Sector

My husband and I were living in Carrollton, Georgia during the time of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta. Like millions of others, we tuned in to watch the opening ceremony where Muhammad Ali emerged as the surprise guest to light the Olympic Torch — an unforgettable moment.

Muhammad Ali provided words of encouragement and inspiration throughout his life. When I heard that he had died, I began pouring over articles on the Twitter feed about his life. Three Muhammad Ali quotes jumped out at me that seem to speak to (more…)

PBS, WTCI deliver content that educates, informs, inspires

By now you know I am a history buff and big fan of PBS. So it will come as no surprise that on this President’s Day, I am pleased to introduce you to a new Presidential collection called 60-SECOND PRESIDENTS brought to you by PBS LearningMedia and PBS Digital Studios.

Have fun exploring and be sure to share (more…)

Introducing Felt Storyframes for iPhone — just in time for the Holidays!

You may have heard me say it before– Felt has reimagined handwritten cards for a mobile society. It’s true. And this month, the Felt team has introduced the iPhone version just in time for (more…)

Quotes on Teamwork & Service to Others

“I love teamwork. I love the idea of everyone rallying together to help me win.” – Jarod Kintz, A Zebra is the Piano of the Animal Kingdom

“The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.”James Cash Penney

“True happiness can only be found when you stop worrying about yourself and try to look out for those around you. Helping people can give your life (more…)

It’s all about the impact but is it impactful?

  • noun: the effect or influence of one person, thing, or action, on another.
  • verb: .
    come into forcible contact with another object; have a strong effect on someone or something.
  • adjective: having a major impact or effect.


Happy Giving, Happy Songs

Happy Giving

A couple of years ago I shared a TedTalk about the scientific proof that people who donate money are happier. That talk, presented by Michael Norton, was recently featured in an NPR “TED Radio Hour” episode exploring ideas worth spreading. (more…)

When you’re working to become awesome

Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 9.21.18 PMI dedicate today’s post to those who are reaching — striving to be better than they are today; working hard; full of grit and passion. No matter what your age, you will enjoy this and probably want to share it with someone else in a similar place: (more…)

She Inspires Me | Anne Frank

Slide31She Inspires Me is a Nonprofitunity original series that provides a digital intersection of philanthropy and amazing girls and women in history. Welcome to the debut volume dedicated to the sweet memory of my best friend from high school, Stacey Barton Johnson, whose 43rd birthday would have been today.

Anne Frank, 1929 – 1945 | Overview

The Diary of Anne Frank (also know as The Diary of a Young Girl) is the true story of a Jewish teenage girl with a literary gift who died in a concentration camp during World War II. In her diary, she describes her life and deep thoughts while she and her family lived in a Secret Annex hidden behind a bookcase. She left us a timeless message of courage, hope and respect. (more…)